Does CBD Cancel THC?

There are hundreds of different cannabinoids present inside the cannabis plant, but the two most commonly found are CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Due to their differences in characteristics, some believe that CBD can negate the effects of THC when consumed together.
As it’s still a relatively new field of study, research has shown mixed results and there’s no conclusive evidence of this statement. In this blog post, we’ll discuss CBD and THC, share recent findings, and discuss some practical considerations you can take into account.
Understanding CBD and THC
As mentioned earlier, CBD and THC are two of the most commonly found cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. One of the main differences between CBD and THC is that pure CBD does not produce psychoactive effects while THC does.
Both of these compounds react with our endocannabinoid system or ECS, which has an important role in maintaining our body’s homeostasis, which is a state of balance. The ECS includes three different components: endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes.
THC interacts with our ECS by binding to CB1 and CB2 receptors. It has greater affinity with CB1 receptors that are primarily located in our central nervous system, resulting in the psychoactive effects or “high” when consumed. On the other hand, CBD has a greater affinity to the CB2 receptors.
Although both could potentially have beneficial effects* when consumed on their own, it’s believed that various cannabinoids can give greater physical or psychological effects when they’re working together.
This synergy is called the entourage effect and it was first mentioned when it was found that a whole cannabis plant extract had more effects than any one cannabinoid alone. The entourage effect further complicates our understanding of how CBD and THC interact in our bodies, and there is still no clear evidence on how the entourage effect works or if THC and CBD are solely responsible for it, thus further clinical trials are still needed.
The Debate: Does CBD “Cancel” THC?
Some studies have shown that CBD can mitigate THC’s negative effects. An earlier study found that CBD can suppress THC’s psychosis and anxiety-inducing effects when consumed together.
Others have found that CBD balances part of THC-induced effects, creating protection against impairment and other negative psychotic symptoms.
Another important role that the CBD:THC ratio potentially may have is mitigating the risk of addiction. Although a higher CBD content leads to diminished appreciation, it was concluded that more CBD means a lower probability of developing an addiction.
On the other hand, recent studies have found otherwise. One particular research found no evidence that CBD significantly modulated THC’s acute effects. In the study, the test subjects were given different types of cannabis like pure THC, THC+CBD, and a placebo. Both THC and THC+CBD groups exhibited increased ‘feel drug effect’, impaired memory, and increased psychotomimetic effects.
Another study using four different CBD:THC ratios in cannabis products has also found no evidence that CBD can protect against adverse effects of cannabis. The subjects were administered with 0:1, 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1 ratios, and there were no differences in cognitive, psychotic, subjective, pleasurable, and physiological measures.
It’s hard to conclude how these cannabinoids affect each other, especially since their interaction is also determined by several different factors, such as individual body chemistry, consumption method, and dosage.
The Role of CBD:THC Ratios in Cannabis Consumption
Different CBD:THC ratios create different effects during cannabis consumption. One important aspect of regulating the ratio is to manage unwanted effects, such as intoxication.
A good combination of both CBD and THC may lead to an “entourage effect”. The term refers to the suggested positive contribution of combining two different cannabinoids, THC and CBD.
Several common ratios found in products are as follows:
- 20:1, high CBD and low THC ratio. This ratio can give you minimal psychoactive effects while still having the benefits of the entourage effect which is ideal for beginners.
- 10:1, high CBD and medium THC ratio. This ratio will still modulate THC with a high CBD concentration.
- 5:1, medium CBD and medium THC ratio. This ratio is ideal for those who have a higher tolerance to THC.
- 1:1, equal amounts of CBD and THC. The high concentration of THC means the use of cannabis will lead to stronger psychoactive effects.
Practical Considerations for Cannabis Consumers
There are several ratios of CBD:THC that you can pick. Your choice depends on your experience and objective. These are several considerations you should take into account before choosing the right ratio.
The objective behind your consumption – Some users might call for a lower concentration of THC to mitigate psychoactive reactions. On the other hand, you’ll need a high amount of THC to help feel more relaxed.
Your experience in cannabis consumption – Beginners will find it better to start with lower doses and gradually adjust according to your tolerance.
Remember that everyone reacts to cannabinoids differently. You can try and experiment on your own to see how your body responds to the effects of CBD and THC. Adjust the concentrations accordingly and consult a medical professional if needed to avoid unwanted side effects.
Some studies suggest consuming CBD with THC could mitigate the adverse effects of THC. On the other hand, recent studies found that introducing CBD into THC consumption didn’t affect any adverse reaction.
This might be because other factors could come into play, such as dosage, existing tolerance, or consumption method. Further research is still needed to understand how CBD and THC interact, and how they can impact our health overall.
Can CBD prevent the psychoactive effects of THC?
There are still mixed results on how CBD might affect THC’s psychoactive effects. Previous studies suggested CBD can reduce the psychoactive effects of THC, while recent ones showed it did not alter it at all. Further research is still needed on a bigger scale to conclude on the matter.
What are the common CBD:THC ratios and their effects?
The common ratios of CBD:THC are 20:1, 10:1, 5:1, and 1:1. The lower concentrations of THC at 20:1 and 10:1 are great for those who are looking to modulate THC’s psychoactive effects.
How do CBD and THC interact within the endocannabinoid system?
CBD and THC interact with the endocannabinoid system by interacting with our CB1 and CB2 receptors, which could affect our body’s state of balance called homeostasis. Their difference in reaction leads to differing effects on our bodies.
Is it possible to counteract a THC high by taking CBD?
The findings on CBD’s counteractive effects on the psychoactivity of THC are still inconclusive. Previous research found that CBD can counteract it, but these results have not been consistent. You should always consult a medical professional and start with low doses to see how you respond to marijuana use.
How should one determine the ideal CBD:THC ratio for their needs?
The ideal ratio will depend on your objective and experience. Beginners can benefit from starting at lower doses, and then adjust accordingly to their desired outcomes.
Does the method of consumption (inhaling vs. oral) affect how CBD influences THC’s effects?
Method of consumption can impact the interaction of CBD and THC in your body. The bioavailability of both THC and CBD is higher when consumed via inhalation, leading to faster and more intense reactions. Edibles on the other hand, take a while to kick in but the effects are known to last longer, especially in high doses.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.