Starting a CBD Regimen? How to Take CBD | NuLeaf Naturals Blog

How to Begin a CBD Regimen

cbd balm, oil, and capsules

Revised April 2022

Starting a CBD Regimen? How to Take CBD

In trying to achieve their wellness goals, more people are looking to natural supplements such as CBD oil or other cannabinoids. But starting a health regimen with plant medicines can be quite different from your typical experience with prescription medication. If you’re looking to begin a CBD regimen and are wondering how to take CBD oil, this guide will help you clear up some common misconceptions and get better results by finding the regimen that’s right for you.

Common Misconceptions About How to Take CBD Oil

1. I will see results immediately.

While you’re likely excited to see the benefits of your CBD product, it’s important to be patient. Cannabinoids like CBD, CBC, CBG, and CBN take time to build up in our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), so the key is consistency and continued use over time. Some consumers report immediate effects, whereas for others the benefits can take longer to notice.

2. Hemp products can be taken as needed.

When it comes to taking CBD and other cannabinoids, consistency is key. Taking cannabinoid products regularly equips you to be better prepared when inflammation and stressors arise and helps you return to a balanced state more quickly. If you only take CBD when needed, you may be missing out on the full effects your supplement could offer.

3. I should follow the recommendation on the bottle exactly.

Feel free to experiment as you begin your CBD regimen. The dosage suggestion offered by NuLeaf Naturals is a great place to start, but each body has a unique need for cannabinoid supplementation and you can feel comfortable experimenting with your products to find the optimal routine for your unique body and lifestyle.

4. Once I find a dose that works it will never change.

When it comes to CBD oil and other cannabinoid products, change can be a good thing. We don’t build a tolerance to cannabinoids, so if you find your daily dose is not as effective as it once was, it is likely due to a few important reasons:

  • Our body’s biochemistry is constantly changing, fluctuating, and shifting due to diet, lifestyle, stress, environmental factors, and improvements as a result of taking NuLeaf Naturals products. Due to these factors, you may need to adjust your dose to fit where your needs are, in the current moment.
  • Plant medicine of this kind is apoptogenic and is helping our body maintain homeostasis. It is both adapting to us and moving us toward being more adaptable, helping us to access our full healing potential.
  • While the body will metabolize all cannabinoids consumed, we can overwhelm our receptors by taking more than what is necessary for our body. When this is the case, a 24-48 hour break from cannabinoid products is typically enough to allow your body to catch up and be ready to take on a smaller dose again. We always recommend starting low and going slow.

5. I will feel different.

You will not necessarily “feel” effects of taking CBD products but rather experience an absence of feeling (i.e., reduced pain, fewer symptoms of anxiety, less trouble sleeping). It’s important to notice these subtle improvements as they confirm you’re on the right track and will continue to experience greater and greater benefits.

6. Cannabinoids will “fix” me.

While cannabinoid supplements like CBD oil certainly have their benefits, cannabinoid supplementation, or any supplementation for that matter, is only one piece of our healing journey. No medicine can substitute for or replace healthy nutrition, movement, and positive mental health habits. Supplementing with cannabinoid wellness consistently helps us bridge the gap and ensure our ECS is optimized during times when life gets in the way and we aren’t as diligent about our other healthy habits.

7. Plant medicines have no negative side effects

When taking herbal or other plant-based supplements, detoxification — also known as the Herxheimer Effect — can be a natural side effect. The Herxheimer Effect, or being “herxed,” means the cannabinoid or other supplement is effective in releasing toxic chemicals caused by the cell walls of dying bacteria that have been stored to protect you. In other words, your body is detoxifying, which may lead to symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, sore throat, nausea, chills, or headaches. All of these conditions are normal occurrences and are an indication that viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other pathogens are exiting the body.


Five CBD oil containers sitting on a smooth surface

What Is the Proper Dosing for CBD?

As CBD oil and other cannabinoid products fall outside FDA regulations, there are no official CBD dosage guidelines. Furthermore, dosing depends on the methods of administration, the quality and potency of the product, and the individual’s needs.

As NuLeaf Naturals CBD products offer maximum potency in a whole-plant extract containing a full spectrum of naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes, lower doses go a longer way. We recommend the following dosing for our CBD products:

  • CBD oil – Start with a dose of 30 mg (10 drops) per day taken sublingually, split between 2 doses. Increase slowly, as necessary.
  • CBD softgels – Start with a dose of 30 mg (2 capsules) per day, split between 2 doses. Increase slowly, as necessary.

As mentioned above, these CBD dosing recommendations are suggestions only. Feel free to experiment with your dose, as each body is different, starting with lower dosages and moving your way up slowly.

Summary: How to Find the Right CBD Regimen

To summarize, follow these tips to find the right CBD regimen for you:

  • Make only small adjustments to your dose at a time.
  • Monitor mental and physical discomfort before and after changes to your dose.
  • Be patient and consistent.
  • Look for small signs of improvement.

As with any supplement, consult your physician before use if you are pregnant, nursing, suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.

Four different softgel products in front of a plant

Be Mindful of Your Progress

Natural medicines require us to have patience with and self awareness of our bodies. Having realistic expectations is a vital part of the healing process, helping us avoid discouragement as we make our way along our healing journey. Remember, pharmaceuticals are designed to produce a particular reaction quickly, and it’s not uncommon for these to be accompanied by persistent and less than desirable effects. Even if the benefits of CBD aren’t immediately noticeable or readily apparent, we should trust that our natural supplements are helping to maintain homeostasis.

Do you have questions about our products, or are you not sure which one is right for you?

Our Expert Team is here to help via these convenient options:
Telephone: +1 (720) 372-4842
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Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm MT.